Friday, February 24, 2012

The Burger Map in Brazil - Fried Onion Burger

I recently finished a series of five paintings for The Burger Map, a restaurant and bar in Sao Paolo, Brazil that specializes in American regional hamburgers. They have prints of the artwork hanging in the restaurant and t-shirts are in the works as well.

Instead of trying to jam in all into one giant post I'm going to do maybe one a week showing process shots of the artwork as well as some background on the burger styles and photos of both the original and Burger Map's version. Enjoy!

First up is El Reno, Oklahoma's Fried Onion Burger. The burgers are smashed onto a well seasoned flat grill into a big pile of carmelized onions. The big two spots are Johnnie's Grill (pictured above) and Sid's. There's even an annual El Reno Fried Onion Burger festival.

Massive pile of fried onion sketch. One of my favorites to draw and I still haven't eaten one of these things, in Brazil or Oklahoma, or even Sketch Burger in Philly that has something pretty close.


Here's Burger Map's version, photo taken in the kitchen that I used for reference.


Bunch of progress shots. The original is actually hanging up in Hot Diggity right now.

Another shot of Burger Map's Fried Onion burger, this one with cheese and from Aline F on foodspotting.

The Burger Map
Rua das Aroeiras, 442 – Bairro Jardim.
Sto André – SP – CEP 09090-000
Tel. (11) 2534-0747

The Burger Map on facebook

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