Last but not least in this series is The Burger Map's version of Utah's Pastrami Burger, a crazy fusion of NY deli and Utah Greek fast food immortalized by John T Edge's 2009 New York Times article.
Probably my favorite piece of the series along with the Fried Onion Burger and also the burger I'm most dying to try. I guess you can find a burger with pastrami on it at plenty of places but I doubt it's going to look as good as this (photo from Robyn Lee / A Hamburger Today)
I really like how they're wrapped in a parchment sleeve... also important is the "fry sauce" that they put on everything, like most "secret sauces" it's basically russian dressing plus something else but something about the combo of Greek looking lettering and something called "fry sauce" just seems fantastic. Anyway here's Burger Map's version.
And the process photos...
Tthe original is painting is currently hanging at Hot Diggity (630 South Street Philadelphia) where several people have try to order it every day. (Put it on the menu already dude!!!!)
The Burger Map
Rua das Aroeiras, 442 – Bairro Jardim.
Sto AndrĂ© – SP – CEP 09090-000
Tel. (11) 2534-0747
Sto AndrĂ© – SP – CEP 09090-000
Tel. (11) 2534-0747
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